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A event most look forward to by the entire student body of the institution.
An opportunity for the student teams to show their leadership, managerial capabilities in bringing together
- Sponsors, Performers and Attendees
As a college fest is held in an academic institution - the land of the ambitious and the dreams; conducted for the students - the innovators of tomorrow; we enable the growth of the fest with the latest in technology.
Read on to know more about ENRICHING fests
The below highlights the process that are involved in hosting a successful college fest

The first step -
the conception and brainstorming gets started.
Thinking of an apt name for the event, designing its logo, schedule, events, celebrity line-up and assigning personals to set teams with defined roles are some of the happenings at this stage.

The need for sponsors
Its the sponsors who form the financial life line of the event providing the much needed money required in the hosting of the college fests
The reason provided to businesses to sponsor is, Customer Connect that currently is all on visibility rather then on interaction and SALES, the main need of businesses

Happy Sponsors
Happy Attendees
= Happy Organizers
Assured by ENRICH.
Unleash the power of the LOGO of the college fest. Make it a Digital Connector and Engager
Use the latest tech "0" code platform that Open NEW Revenue Channel
by Rewarding Every Individual Attendee
Free entry, tickets or Pay-and-Participate
Attract Sponsors
Provide Experience
Generate Revenue
To unlock the potential of ENRICH not only for College Fest but for ALL Conferences, Convocation, TED Talks, Workshops hosted by the institution, across a calendar year, reach us using the below with your requirements for customized solutions.
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